... There have been many changes during Carol's employment but she has been there for us all. She has managed changes in practice partners, as vets retired and associates became partners, (which was reflected in 5 name changes to the practice), moved premises once and managed three extensions. The small team that formed Farrow and Bayer 50 years ago has developed into a large experienced team of over 65 members of staff - all of whom need managing!
As a tribute to Carol, Mr Spencer Bayer, retired partner and founder member of the practice wrote these words:
" Carol Hudson came to our practice, Farrow and Bayer, a 3 person mixed practice, soon after it's formation in the early 1980's. The practice had a small nursing and administrative staff...
In the early 1980's veterinary nursing was not as well organised and structured as it is today and all the training was consequently 'in house' - this entailed everything from cleaning kennels, nursing the hospitalised patients, cleaning and preparing the instruments for operations, x-Ray processing, monitoring anaesthesia and eventually assisting at operations when needed. It also encompassed a certain amount of large animal surgery e.g. Caesarian sections on farms. ..
A small practice also required a crossover of duties and Carol (as did the other nurses) soon became involved with the public - discharging patients, answering telephones and reception work. As with the nursing Carol soon proved to be helpful, efficient, diligent and sympathetic. After Carol's marriage and the arrival of children she began to move away from nursing and became increasingly involved in the administrative side of the practice, but could always - when needed - return to help with nursing emergencies - and it did happen! ...
With the passage of time the increasing size and development of the practice and the retirement of the original partners Carol became practice manager and thus became involved in the further, and much more complex administrative development of the practice...
Over the years Carol has been proved to be highly efficient, capable, versatile and empathetic with all aspects of veterinary practice. She is admired, liked and respected by all.
Truly a practice manager for all seasons."
We'd like to add a heartfelt thank you to Carol, from all her colleagues here at Millennium. And thank her for 30 years of true commitment to our patients, our clients and to all of us!
Photo 1 (main photo):
Carol with many of her MVP colleagues after we surprised her with a gift and card.

Photo 2:
Past and present Head Nurses! Dawn Greenaway (1992-2003), Carol herself who handed over the reins to Dawn in 1992 and Gary Rutland our existing Head Nurse who took over from Dawn.

Photo 3: We managed to keep it a secret. Surprising Carol!